‘Catching Hell Part 2: Destination’ is now out for editing with the amazing team at www.flukyfiction.com. Release date is still pending, but this is one more step in the right direction to completing the duology. Stay tuned!
A Toast to You!
Just a quick update to say swing by my Blog page for the April 30th, 2018 posting. I have a message of gratitude there I’d like you so see. Cheers, readers!
Catching Hell Part 1: Journey is HERE!!!
Today I’m excited to announce the release of my epic Sci-Fi/Fantasy Catching Hell Part 1: Journey, today on eBook everywhere! The story of two friends separated by tragedy, and venturing into worlds they were raised to fear. Find it HERE.
A huge thank you to Double Dragon eBooks for continuing to have faith in the story I want to tell. I really hope everyone enjoys it. Stay tuned for more to come!
Even More Media!
Yes, it’s true that I’ve been a busy little bee lately. Books out, books coming, and media, media, media! Three more interviews available on the Media page, including my first overseas talk, and my first radio interview!
Coming soon: the harrowing tale of Catching Hell, and why it means so much to me.
New Media Has Arrived!
‘Death Dresses Poorly’ is steadily gaining its audience, while ‘Catching Hell Pt. 1’ looms large next month, and I’ve been lucky enough to speak with both Author/Blogger Kelly Charron, and publisher Cara Flannery about the books, writing, and squishy stuff like loooooooove. Head over to the Media tab to check them out!
Death Dresses Poorly Has Arrived!
Today I’m very proud to announce that my debut novel Death Dresses Poorly is available worldwide on Amazon and Kindle. A physical release in western Canada and Maine will follow shortly. I hope you get it, love it, and want to talk about it. I’m always here, living inside this actual website.
Full ‘DDP’ Trailer!
Thank you so much to my publisher Fluky Fiction for putting this together. 50 Views on YouTube? It’s the greatest success anything with my name has ever had!
Special Etsy Deal!
There’s now a special Etsy pre-sale of the actual, physical copy of Death Dresses Poorly available directly from my publisher. American friends can get free shipping with the provided code as well as getting to save a few bucks off the eventual cover price:
For my Canadian / World Wide friends, you can order here, or from Amazon starting December 12th! With any luck, I’ll have a few myself to send your way.
December 12th is just a short time away! Who’s got two thumbs, crippling book-performance anxiety, and is eager to get his story in your hands? This guy!
…please like my book…
Death Dresses Poorly Teaser and Kindle Pre-Sale!
It’s been a busy few weeks for my editor/publisher and I as we get ready for the DDP launch, which is official for December 12th! Perfect for your holiday season! Want to get on board early? Then good news; there’s an Amazon Kindle pre-sale of just $.99 ($1.26 CAD)! Buy now and get it fresh on the 12th to your favorite e-reading device.
Do electronic readers scare and baffle you? Do you want a physical copy? Do you pine for paper in your hands on the off chance you’ll meet me one day and I’ll bless it with my world-famously bad autograph? Be sure to check out the Amazon page closer to the launch date in order to get your hands on one.
Not sure if it’s your cup of tea? How about a teaser-trailer? Will it convince you? Unknown, but I love it!
Grab the book. Leave a review. Talk about how it’s the greatest literary work since Hamlet. Always feel free to contact me to let me know your thoughts!
Publisher Page for DDP!
Hey there, everyone! Or, like, that one person who visits this page…
Check it out! The publisher’s website for ‘Death Dresses Poorly’ is up! It’s almost a real thing!