Fresh off the presses, and coming to you April 8th, 2025! Death at a Wedding is coming your way!
Click the image to get your pre-order now!
Just a quick video to let the world know I’m not dead.
More will come soon. This is…a transition period for me, and it’s almost over, baby.
Hello everyone! Marc here with a brand new Writing Recap video, talking about the year that was, and what’s to come in 2024. Everyone’s journey is different, and I hope yours is going well. Or at least better than expected? It’s the best I can wish, honestly… anyway, check out the video!
It’s come and gone! When Words Collide 2023 was another amazing success, and I can’t thank all the great people there, new and old, for helping make it a fun, successful weekend.
I’m already looking forward to next year, with all the new possibilities it will bring. In the meantime, I have some query letters to send out, people to contact, manuscripts to submit, and a mountain of memories to sift through and enjoy. Cheers!
Hello everyone! I’ll be back at When Words Collide, Calgary’s amazing annual writer’s conference, from August 4th to 6th. I’ll be sitting in on panels, participating in great events, and trying to fumble my way through human interactions. If you’re there, I’d love to hear from you!
Also, I’m very proud to announce that my short story Unus Gradus has been selected for inclusion in Enigma Fron 6: The Machines That Make Us, releasing August 8th from the fantastic Tyche Books. I’ll be sharing pages with works from some fantastic local and Canadian authors. Click the image to find the pre-order, and if you’re at WWC this year be sure to check out the launch event celebrating this and other upcoming works from Tyche!
The remaster of ‘Catching Hell Part 2: Destination’ launches today! Come and grab (or re-grab) a copy of the end of this epic science-fantasy duology. So much thanks to Fluky Fiction for continuing to believe in me and the stories I tell.
Today is the 7th anniversary of my writing journey! There’s a lot to come, but for now I thought I would take a moment in my comfiest hoodie and let you know what’s been going on, and hint at what’s to come!
Oh yes, I’m still plugging away in my little writer’s hole. You’ll see more from me very soon, I promise!
In the meantime, check out the Media tab to see some new sit-downs I had the good fortune to be a part of. My writing may take pauses, but my mouth sure doesn’t!
Hello all! An update on this year’s Calgary Expo, in regards to your favourite anti-author.
So no, I will not have a booth this time around. With no new book to offer, and my stock of my existing books so low after the October Expo (thank you, everyone!), I didn’t see much need.
However, I will be there, professionally. On Saturday, April 23rd I and three of my favourite local genre fiction authors will be a part of the presentation “How to Become a Writer – Scifi and Fantasy”, taking place in the Palomino Room H at 2pm. I would love to see you there! Happy Expo-ing!
I sure am! Just an update on what’s happening in Marc-world lately:
I’m about 65k deep into my latest-yet-long gestating work, a supernatural mystery. I’ve come back to it with a vengeance lately after sitting on it on and off for years.
More recording! The audiobook for ‘Between Conversations’ continues from the depths of my closet. So many unique voices and people I get to inhabit!
New work with the team at Hardmode Games looks to be on the way, and I can’t wait to dive into the world of videogame writing once more!