Coming Soon: Another Story!

Yes it’s true, the year of Marc’s short stories continues! I’m very happy to finally be able to announce my inclusion in ‘Enigma Front 5: the Stories We Hide’, a collection put out by the master craftsmen of the Imaginative Fiction Writers Association (IFWA) here in Calgary. For my part, I offer you all ‘Highlight Hard Case’, the first pure science fiction story I’ve ever written.

I have the honor of sharing space with some of Calgary, and Canada’s best authors. Names like Ron S. Friedman, Brent Nichols and even the legendary Robert J. Sawyer all smashed together, with humble little me squeaking in to fill some space.

Coming August 2019!

Thank You!

A new Blog post goes into the details, but I wanted to say thanks to everyone who made my first Calgary Expo weekend so much fun. Thanks for stopping by! Check out some stuff on the site. Ask me a question. Comment on my choice of hats!

Expo Day 1!

A huge thank you to all of you who came out for the first day of the Calgary Expo and grabbed a book or said hi! I’ll be there all weekend with the fantastic Suzy Vadori in booth 5402. I’d love to see your smiling face.

I’m Coming to the Calgary Expo!

Yes folks, it’s true. Finally the chance to meet me in person and compliment/critique my hats. I’ll be at the Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo from April 25th to the 28th selling and signing copies of my three available books. There are conversations to be had and friends to be made, and maybe a book or two to sell. Come meet me in Artist’s Alley!

‘Destination’ In Paperback!

Thanks to the great team at Double Dragon Press, Catching Hell Pt 2: Destination is now available in ebook AND paperback! Want to hold something in your hand that won’t crack when you drop it? Books don’t crack, friends!

Also, there’s some more media hanging around on the …uh…Media…page… I’m so unoriginal.

Catching Hell Part 2 AVAILABLE NOW!

You have reached your ‘Destination’, people! The conclusion of my epic fantasy duology has landed today on ebook (print version coming soon). Come follow best friends Aryu and Johan as they look to overcome their fears and get their revenge on the Army of the Old and it’s ruthless leader.

Thank you to Double Dragon Publishing, the cover design abilities of Covermint, and the always welcome editing prowess of Fluky Fiction! I’m so glad to bring this to you all. It’s been a crazy journey.

Cover Reveal


My epic conclusion is at hand! With thanks to my publisher Double Dragon Press, the editing prowess of Fluky Fiction, and the amazing work of Covermint Design, Catching Hell Part 2: Destination is arriving soon!


Holy Wowzers, a New Blog Is Up!

I actually got a Blog post up like I said I would! An update on some upcoming projects, as well as some general thoughts on my lack of creativity lately. Check it out, feel free to leave a comment or thoughts, and catch up with my wandering soul.

No Rest for the Writer

It was a heck of a summer, wasn’t it? It’s true I’ve been quiet, however I’m back for a few updates, the tidbit that progress with Catching Hell Pt. 2: Destination is farther than you may think, and a Blog post shortly.

Take a trip over the to Media page and check out a trio of new interviews. I do love to talk about myself…

Keep sticking with me, and I’ll be sure to give you more tasty morsels shortly!