A New WIP Glimpse

As a part of their 31 Days of Halloween event, the great team at Fluky Fiction (home of Death Dresses Poorly) have graciously posted the first chapter of my (long-gestating…) supernatural thriller ’12:13′. I’m about half-done this particular work, and I have been for a while… the perils of being a writer I suppose. Old ideas get bumped for new ones.

Still, I love this chapter, a straight attempt by me to write something my wonderful wife might like to read… if I ever finish it, that is. Feedback is always welcome. Enjoy!


‘Death’ Creeping Ever Closer…

Started work editing my formatted version of ‘Death Dresses Poorly’. Actually printed out a physical copy to jot on, oddly enough. I’m a digital man in the digital age, but I’m still finding my way in this strange new world of being an author.

‘Death Dresses Poorly’, my debut novel, is still set for a December release. I promise I’ll keep you posted!

Something old, something new…

Lots of new stuff!

Hi all! I’ve been busy with website layout updates, a new blog post, and the constant grind of editing that never ends and makes you want to chew a hole through your own soft cheek flesh…

Check out the new ‘Media’ section for a fun past interview, ‘Blog’ for my thoughts on how good friends are essential to the creative process, and ‘Contact’ for no other reason than I’d love to hear from you. Enjoy!